Yo, who could forget two tough guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger & Silvester Stallone getting all classic music on your ass. This cartoon asks you to imagine the two actors playing the famous classic music composers Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven? Still to this day it's nearly imposable to utter the phase "I'll be back" without using Arnold's voice/accent from the original Terminator movie.
This cartoon has got funnier with time. First illustrated when George & Barbara Bush were in the White House. It was made even funnier as the clueless George W. Bush was in the White House. Now I find it ironic that the lost President paint-brush is asking for directions, while a lost ex-President with no direction George W. is now painting pictures with brushes?
To understand this cartoon it would help if you knew the once sort of popular book & movie "The World According to Garp" you would also have to know that "Gorp" is a nutty trail mix sometime with peanuts, mixed nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, carob or chocolate chips etc. Plus having the knowledge that the Bible tells of the world being made in six days and a seventh for rest would also help. Let's face it if you have to explain it, it's just not funny! and just now with spell check, I have found out I spell accordion wrong... 25 years later. now that's funny.
This cartoon Minstrel Cramps was suggested to me by a friend. "Never to be published, but I drew it up anyway..." Her idea was a pained and cramping black faced she minstrel to be sitting at home on a sofa watching TV wrapped in a blanket, hair in curlers wearing fluffy slippers and eating Chocolate.I drew it up and did add the headline..."One of America's Worst Periods"
Hopis do the Hokie Pokie is one of my favorites! I love the feet and the absurd randomness of this cartoon. I have no idea where I got the references for the headdresses or if I just made them up. I know I had no google back then.
Well it's not very politically correct and I mostly stayed away from politics in my cartoons. But, at the time blond jokes were new and many people were unsure of the new Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas. Hence the two met up with some local fisherman.
I have made and sold quite a few Watch Dogs Clocks over the years... but this one below gets the most attention.
Watch Dog at Uncommon Grounds Coffee Shop - Saratoga Springs, New York, USA. There was a time when I met someone new in Saratoga they would likely say, "Oh, you're the guy who made the clock at Uncommon Grounds..."